Friday, January 14, 2011

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure

This is my problem with the blogsphere: I want to say something important. Something meaningful, and timeless, and profound. I want to put something of meaning and value and substance out there. And, considering the only readers I have at this point are my sisters, it's not like it really matters. Yet, when I sit down and try to think of what I want to publish, what I want to put out to the world, I want it to be big; I want it to be powerful. But, there isn't usually anything big to say. And, I don't have the words to express my power - at least, not right now.

I think I've lived most of my life giving away my power. Letting it slip through my fingers like water, barely noticing as it slips down the drain. I say what others want me to say. I do what others want me to do. I smile when I'm supposed to smile. Laugh, act polite, find a way to agree. I live in a completely controlled environment, of my own devising. I had a writing teacher once who told us to "turn off our inner editors." I never could do it. I analyze and consider every possible option before I do something. And you know what? It's never the right decision. Not because the right thing didn't happen, but because I didn't happen.

I am not a quiet person. I am a quiet person.

You are what you do, everyday.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Funny how it's probably the inner editor that's telling you that you're supposed to be turning off the inner editor....haha. Right? We criticize ourselves for criticizing ourself. How insane is that?

    And as far as putting meaning and value out there. You've put meaning and value out there for me. "If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one." ~Mother Teresa

    Thanks for being you in all your imperfect, but hopeful greatness. You've fed this one. :)

  3. For me too. And for future you probably too. By the way, that snippet in your title is one of my all time favorite quotes.

    Oh, and did you ever consider that sometimes the wrong decision is the right one? Think about it...but don't make your head explode.

  4. Sometimes something small, routine, boring, and everyday, adds up in the end to be something great, meaningful, and important in your life. Just saying: don't wait for something dynamic to write about--YOU, and your life, are wonderful just the way you are and a year from now, you will treasure your thoughts and comments. I love you. Mom

  5. That's true what mom said. I've just been writing what has happened in our lives on my blog and I look back a year or two and there is so much I have forgotten. I love my blog just to help me remember. And it isn't fancy or grand or anything.

  6. P.S. My word verification for that last post was manoment. Is that a moment when you feel like a man?
